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In The Office | Workshop, Health Day, Conference

Wellness Program And Workshop Ideas For Your Office

• How to fix your posture to sitting right
• Use your head to save your neck
• Prevention of backpain

There is lot´s of ideas and topics you can share with your employees. Organize it as a workshop or let us go throw each department to do a short physical activity with your employees. We specialized in sedentary lifestyle - tips, exercises and workouts. A 20 air squats or jumping-jacks should do the trick, and it’ll get the blood flowing for a more productive day.

Ask your employer if they offer a wellness or health promotion program. If not, suggest implementing one at your office.


Mid-meeting Stretch

Many corporate executives spend up to half or more of their working hours in meetings of all kinds: staff meetings, project meetings, board meetings, sales meetings and others. Perhaps your organization and its people are exceptional, and your meetings are the very model of efficiency and effectiveness. Perhaps in your dreams!

Way to Make the Most of Your Meetings - Meeting Ice-breaker...

Disinterested participants can render meetings ineffective and unproductive, so leaders should strive to re-engage their workers.
Meetings don't have to be boring, unfocused and unproductive. Using Fitstop is the key to more interesting, shorter and more productive meetings.
It’s important to include physical activity breaks during meetings, especially those lasting longer than an hour. Including physical activity in meetings not only can help staff stay attentive and involved; it can also demonstrate how easy it is to be more active on a regular basis.

Not only do they get a much needed activity break, but a change of scenery can encourage more creative brainstorming.

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